The St. Landry-Evangeline Sexual Assault Center (SLESAC) offers a variety of educational programs targeting students of all ages. Many of these programs can be modified for teachers and parents.
Programs offered are as follow:
Three Kinds of Touches: this is a risk-reduction program designed for preschool to first grade students. It defines safe touches, ouch touches, and uh-oh touches and tells young children what to do if someone is touching them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. The curriculum includes a book and video.
Care*ageous Kids: an evidence-based primary perpetration prevention curriculum designed for 4th & 5th graders. Care*ageous is designed to assist children in an age appropriate manner with developing positive social skills that will reduce their likelihood of perpetration.
T.R.U.S.T. (Teaching Respect, Understanding, Safety and Tolerance): is an evidence- based/inform primary prevention curriculum for student in grades 6-8. The purpose of the curriculum is the prevention of sexual violence perpetration through the teaching of respect, understanding, and tolerance. Through learning about safety, students also learn to protect themselves from victimization.
Safe Dates: is a research-based program with strong long-term outcomes. Safe Dates are a nine session program that deals with attitudes and behaviors associated with dating abuse and violence.
Upstanders: is an evidence-informed bystander intervention curriculum. The focus is on the prevention of the perpetration of sexual violence. Upstanders is designed to assist 11th & 12th graders in an age-appropriate manner with developing positive social skills that will help them take a positive stand and act on behalf of themselves and others.
The "WhyTry" Program consists of ten visual analogies with solutions and questions written around each picture to help students gain insight into how to deal with daily challenges. The goal of the "WhyTry" program is to help students answer the question "Why try in life?" when they are frustrated, confused or angry with life's pressures and challenges. The "WhyTry" program teaches students that trying hard in life and putting effort into challenges at home, at school, and with peers is worth the effort.